Results for 'Stephen C. Littlechild'

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  1.  15
    Competition in Retail Electricity Supply.Stephen C. Littlechild - 2002 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 12 (2).
    This paper presents an analysis and defense of competition in retail electricity supply. It includes some account of its development in the UK over the last dozen years, to the point where all retail price controls have now been removed. The development of this competition illustrates a number of the themes in Israel M. Kirzner’s writing – for example, the nature of competition as a process over time, the entrepreneurial and learning nature of this process, the role of marketing in (...)
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  2. Presumptive meanings: the theory of generalized conversational implicature.Stephen C. Levinson - 2000 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    When we speak, we mean more than we say. In this book Stephen C. Levinson explains some general processes that underlie presumptions in communication.
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  3. Pragmatics.Stephen C. Levinson - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
    Those aspects of language use that are crucial to an understanding of language as a system, and especially to an understanding of meaning, are the acknowledged concern of linguistic pragmatics. Yet until now much of the work in this field has not been easily accessible to the student, and was often written at an intimidating level of technicality. In this textbook, however, Dr Levinson has provided a lucid and integrative analysis of the central topics in pragmatics - deixis, implicature, presupposition, (...)
  4.  41
    Timing in turn-taking and its implications for processing models of language.Stephen C. Levinson & Francisco Torreira - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:136034.
    The core niche for language use is in verbal interaction, involving the rapid exchange of turns at talking. This paper reviews the extensive literature about this system, adding new statistical analyses of behavioral data where they have been missing, demonstrating that turn-taking has the systematic properties originally noted by Sacks et al. (1974 ; hereafter SSJ). This system poses some significant puzzles for current theories of language processing: the gaps between turns are short (of the order of 200 ms), but (...)
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    Does Confucian Public Reason Depend on Confucian Civil Religion?Stephen C. Angle - 2019 - Journal of Social Philosophy 50 (2):177-191.
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    A reply.Stephen C. Pepper - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (1):83-88.
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    Effects of reinforcement duration and ratio size on discrete-trials FR responding.Stephen C. Bitgood & John R. Platt - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (6):409-411.
  8. The Family In Theological Perspective.Stephen C. Barton - 1996
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    Moral Complexities of Student Question-Asking in Classroom Practice.Stephen C. Yanchar & Susan P. Gong - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 15 (2):73-99.
    Prior research on student question-asking has primarily been conducted from a cognitive, epistemological standpoint. In contrast, we present a hermeneutic-phenomenological investigation that emphasizes the moral-practical context in which question-asking functions as a situated way of being in the midst of practice. More particularly, we present a hermeneutic study of student question-asking in a graduate seminar on design theory. The study offers a unique moral-practical perspective on this commonly studied phenomenon. Our analysis yielded four themes regarding the moral-practical intricacies of question-asking (...)
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  10.  28
    Evaluative definitions in art and their sanctions.Stephen C. Pepper - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 21 (2):201-208.
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    A convergence theory of similarity.Stephen C. Pepper - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (6):596-608.
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  12. A split in the identity theory.Stephen C. Pepper - 1975 - In Charles L. Y. Cheng (ed.), Philosophical Aspects of the Mind-Body Problem. Hawaii University Press.
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  13. On the Relation of Philosophy to Art.Stephen C. Pepper - 1964 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 18 (68/69):183.
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    On the uses of symbolism in sculpture and painting.Stephen C. Pepper - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (3):265-278.
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    The status of "world hypotheses": A rejoinder.Stephen C. Pepper - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (6):602-604.
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    Controlled experimentation in criticism.Stephen C. Pepper - 1964 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (1):153-158.
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    The Public and Its Problems. John Dewey.Stephen C. Pepper - 1928 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (4):478-480.
  18.  56
    Returning the tables: language affects spatial reasoning.Stephen C. Levinson, Sotaro Kita, Daniel B. M. Haun & Björn H. Rasch - 2002 - Cognition 84 (2):155-188.
  19. Neo-Confucianism: A Philosophical Introduction.Stephen C. Angle & Justin Tiwald - 2017 - Cambridge, UK: Polity. Edited by Justin Tiwald.
    Neo-Confucianism is a philosophically sophisticated tradition weaving classical Confucianism together with themes from Buddhism and Daoism. It began in China around the eleventh century CE, played a leading role in East Asian cultures over the last millennium, and has had a profound influence on modern Chinese society. -/- Based on the latest scholarship but presented in accessible language, Neo-Confucianism: A Philosophical Introduction is organized around themes that are central in Neo-Confucian philosophy, including the structure of the cosmos, human nature, ways (...)
  20. Interactional biases in human thinking.Stephen C. Levinson - 1995 - Social Intelligence and Interaction.
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  21.  36
    Behavioral tolerance (contingent tolerance) ismediated in part by variations in regional cerebral blood flow.Stephen C. Fowler - 2000 - Brain and Mind 1 (1):45-57.
    Concepts and experimental results taken frombehavioral pharmacology, functional brain imaging,brain physiology, and behavioral neuroscience, wereused to develop the hypothesis that behavioraltolerance can, in part, be attributed to cellulartolerance. It is argued that task specific activationof circumscribed neuronal populations gives rise tocorresponding increases in regional cerebral bloodflow such that neurons related to task performance areexposed to higher effective doses of blood-borne drugthan neuronal groups not highly activated by thebehavioral task. Through this cerebral hemodynamicregulatory mechanism cellular tolerance phenomena canat least partially account (...)
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  22.  21
    A History of Esthetics.Stephen C. Pepper - 1954 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (3):398-398.
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    Art and utility.Stephen C. Pepper - 1923 - Journal of Philosophy 20 (14):372-378.
  24.  37
    That a theory of universals must be supported by argument.Stephen C. Pepper - 1928 - Philosophical Review 37 (3):261-264.
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    The consumption of saccharin and glucose solutions by mongolian gerbils.Stephen C. Pierson, Robert W. Schaeffer & Glen D. King - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (6):389-391.
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  26. Tools from evolutionary biology shed new light on the diversification of languages.Stephen C. Levinson & Russell D. Gray - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):167-173.
  27.  14
    Speculating Daguerre: Art and Enterprise in the Work of L. J. M. Daguerre.Stephen C. Pinson - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre was a true nineteenth-century visionary—a painter, printmaker, set designer, entrepreneur, inventor, and pioneer of photography. Though he was widely celebrated beyond his own lifetime for his invention of the daguerreotype, it was his origins as a theatrical designer and purveyor of visual entertainment that paved the way for Daguerre's emergence as one of the world's most iconic imagemakers. In Speculating Daguerre, Stephen C. Pinson reinterprets the story of the man and his time, painting a vivid (...)
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  28.  38
    Methodologies and communities in comparative philosophy.Stephen C. Angle - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):423-439.
    There is considerable disagreement and even confusion over what forms of border‐crossing philosophizing are most appropriate to our times. Are comparative, cross‐cultural, intercultural, blended, and fusion philosophy all the same thing? Some critics find what they call “comparative philosophy” to be moribund or problematically colonialist; others assert that projects like “fusion philosophy” are intellectually irresponsible and colonialist in their own way. Can we nonetheless identify a distinctive project of comparative philosophy and say why it is important? Based on a broad (...)
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  29.  18
    Legitimacy in Global Politics.Stephen C. Ropp - 2016 - Human Rights Review 17 (3):391-396.
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  30. The Basis of Criticism in the Arts.Stephen C. Pepper - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (84):84-86.
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  31.  23
    Confucian Sentimental Representation: A New Approach to Confucian Democracy by Kyung Rok Kwon.Stephen C. Angle - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):146-148.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Confucian Sentimental Representation: A New Approach to Confucian Democracy by Kyung Rok KwonStephen C. AngleKWON, Kyung Rok. Confucian Sentimental Representation: A New Approach to Confucian Democracy. New York: Routledge, 2022. vi + 128 pp. Cloth, $128.00; eBook, $39.16Two facts have driven much of the recent theorizing about Confucian democracy. First, even in robust democracies like South Korea and Taiwan, East Asian citizens hold distinctive views about the relation (...)
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    Hegel's political philosophy: the test case of constitutional monarchy.Stephen C. Bosworth - 1991 - New York: Garland.
  33. Prisoners of War in International Law: The Nineteenth Century.Stephen C. Neff - 2010 - In Sibylle Scheipers (ed.), Prisoners in War. Oxford University Press.
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    Philosophical Naturalism and Methodological Naturalism.Stephen C. Dilley - 2010 - Philosophia Christi 12 (1):118-141.
    This essay argues that philosophical naturalists who draw epistemic support from science for their worldview ought to set aside methodological naturalism in certain historical sciences. When linked to methodological naturalism, philosophical naturalism opens itself to several problems. Specifically, when joined with methodological naturalism, philosophical naturalism can 'never' be scientifically disconfirmed but will nearly 'always' be confirmed, no matter what the empirical evidence. Theistic-friendly "God hypotheses," on the other hand, can 'never' be scientifically confirmed -- again, no matter what the evidence (...)
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  35.  77
    The sources of value.Stephen C. Pepper - 1958 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    Most treatments of the problem of values pinpoint some one relevant area of subject matter and set this up as value proper, or at least as an area that can ...
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  36.  51
    Christian Community in the Light of I Corinthians.Stephen C. Barton - 1997 - Studies in Christian Ethics 10 (1):1-15.
  37. Realizability and Shanin's algorithm for the constructive deciphering of mathematical sentences.Stephen C. Kleene - 1960 - Logique Et Analyse 3 (11):154.
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    Integrating Scenario Planning and Cost‐Benefit Methods.Stephen C. Aldrich - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (S1):65-69.
    By their nature, the most vexing social problems reflect collisions between social and economic interests of parties with highly divergent views and perspectives on the cause and character of what is at issue and the consequences that flow from it. Conflicts around biotechnology applications are good examples of these problems. When considering the potential consequences of proposed biotechnology applications, an enormous range of perspectives arise reflecting the breadth of different and often competing interests with a stake in life's future.This essay (...)
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    Living philosophy: remaining awake and moving toward maturity in complicated times.Stephen C. Rowe - 2002 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    Aimed at undergraduate students with little previous experience studying philosophy, this supplementary text presents philosophy as a relational practice through which we are able to live the good life, guided by the Socratic vision of human development and maturity. The original Socratic practice of philosophy is invigorated by contact with Eastern culture, the feminist revolution, and the environmental movement, as well as movements toward dialogue in both philosophy and culture. Rowe teaches philosophy at Grand Valley State University. Annotation copyrighted by (...)
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  40.  21
    Principles of Chinese Painting.Stephen C. Pepper - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9 (2):329-331.
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    Confucian Justification of Limited Government: Comments on Joseph Chan's Confucian Perfectionism.Stephen C. Angle - 2017 - Philosophy East and West 67 (1):15-24.
    I approach this encounter with Joseph Chan’s important work on Confucian perfectionism from a fundamentally sympathetic standpoint. Most basically, I agree with two of his key premises. Confucianism is more than a rich historical tradition: it is a live strand of political theory, able to criticize and contribute to our lives today. But for modern Confucianism to be plausible and attractive, it must find a way to embrace the idea of limited government or constitutionalism in a deeper fashion than it (...)
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    The Logic of Perfection and Other Essays in Neoclassical Metaphysics.Stephen C. Pepper - 1962 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (2):224-225.
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    The Arts and the Art of Criticism.Stephen C. Pepper - 1941 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 1 (2):124-126.
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    Fox-hunting as recorded by Raed.C. A. Stephens & John C. Winston Company ) - unknown
    (Statement of Responsibility) by C.A. Stephens ; illustrated.
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    Modern legal theory: problems and perspectives.Stephen C. Hicks (ed.) - 1998 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    This book of readings was designed for an introductory course in the theory of modern, Western law. The materials mine the depths of history, philosophy, politics, & ethics to bring to view a certain story of the present, past & future condition of modern Western legal theory, namely that "modern" legal theory is reaching its end with the new millennium.
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    Reading the Mahāvaṃsa: The Literary Aims of a Theravāda Buddhist History. By Kristin Scheible.Stephen C. Berkwitz - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    Reading the Mahāvaṃsa: The Literary Aims of a Theravāda Buddhist History. By Kristin Scheible. South Asia across the Disciplines. New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. Pp. viii + 223. $60.
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  47.  14
    Bootstrapping the Boundary between Research and Environmental Management: The TMDL as a Point of Engagement between Science and Governance.Stephen C. Slota - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (4):750-773.
    Knowledge produced by environmental scientists is often inaccessible, intractable, or otherwise in need of reconfiguration for use in environmental regulation. Similarly, policy knowledge undergoes decontextualization in its address to the community of researchers and data curators whose findings are fundamental to its operation. This paper addresses the development of the total maximum daily load measurement as a means of decontextualizing both scientific and regulatory processes to render the practical results of those processes available as a means of collaboration, coordination, and (...)
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  48.  52
    Reflections on Church's thesis.Stephen C. Kleene - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (4):490-498.
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  49.  70
    (1 other version)The work of Kurt gödel.Stephen C. Kleene - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (4):761-778.
  50.  38
    Aesthetics from Classical Greece to the Present: A Short History.Stephen C. Pepper - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 25 (2):213-215.
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